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Mary-Theresa Akwue

17400 XP
  • useful platform usage
  • mentor sessions
  • quizzes, case study
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I am Chinaza MaryTheresa Akwue, a pharmacy graduate with interest data analytics. A detail-oriented person that is passionate about learning new things. I love both music and volunteering. I like to read, play games indoors and bake. I firmly believe in leading a happy and meaningful life.


  1. Resa Data Bootcamp 2.0 - Jan 2023

If you could visualize your life story as a data dashboard, what key metrics would you track to showcase your growth?

The key metrics to track my growth would be my learning curve, educational progress, volunteering experience and interpersonal skills.

What's a data-related challenge you've faced that felt like cracking a complex code?

That would be the first time of joining a data challenge. Finding a way to clean the data set given to me was a huge deal then, as I had only come across clean datasets or nothing much to change. Changing date timestamp wasn’t easy as the column was customized in a different way. I had to watch series of videos, read articles and even made call to solve most the challenges that I encountered. That was when I knew that there was more to data cleaning than what I knew then.

What was your favourite thing about the Resa Data Bootcamp?

It’s the quiz at the end of each lesson and how beginner friendly the courses were created.

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