Liquefied petroleum gas(LPG) has various uses in many markets as an efficient fuel container in the agricultural, recreational, industrial, and construction sectors.
It is used for cooking in many countries for economic reasons, convenience, or because it is the preferred fuel source.
This data product focuses on the price trajectory of the LPG used for cooking in Nigeria.
The average cooking gas price in Nigeria is ₦10,277 and ₦4,589 for 10-12kg and 5kg gas cylinders respectively.
This represents a 3% and 5% increase in the price of cooking gas for 10-12kg and 5kg gas cylinders respectively from the previous month.
By interacting with the map below, you will be able to have a sense of the price disparity across the 6 regions in Nigeria with the SouthSouth region having the highest average cooking gas price for 10-12kg gas cylinders and the NorthCentral region recording the highest average cooking gas price for 5kg gas cylinders.
Take a step further and interact with the dashboard and figure out what is the current average price for cooking gas in your Region or State of origin or residence.
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