I'm Kennedy UG Nwawueze, author of Successful Business Set-up Guide [E-book] & Food Processing Guide [E-book] in the year 2020. More so, I'm an Affiliate Executive for well over ninety-five (95) reputable companies worldwide and the C.E.O of KNS, a fashion brand. Professionally, I'm an accountant, today, a data analyst, and thanks to RESAGRATIA
Essentially, envisage a set of data visualizations like the dashboard in your car. When you look at them, it should be easy-to-absorb information at a glance—your speed, fuel tank position, fuel level etc. Likewise, data visualization techniques help your teammates and managers grasp the significance of the metrics in seconds. Simultaneously, speed and decision-making are my key metrics and can be seen in a gauge chart which is ultimately gotten from a donut chart. These charts use a pointer to show information as a reading on a dial. They look like speedometers: the needle moves towards or away from the “maximum” (the goal) on the right.
By taking "the bull" - (Microsoft Excel) by the horns during CMA CGM Logistics interview three (3) consecutive times in 2021, 2022, and early 2023. Forthrightly, I failed the interview all three (3) times but will definitely smash it with flying colors in 2024. Again, thanks to RESAGRATIA.
The enchanting view and exploration of one of the world's most exquisite things; TABLEAU.
Empowering individuals and businesses with the tools to harness data, drive innovation, and achieve excellence in a digital world.
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